The most important thing for using products such as VPNs and secure browsers is to know the author of the software, where they are located, who they are, and any other shareholders and officers involved. If you do this you will find that most of these applications absolutely do not check out and cannot be trusted. Especially those from the Ukraine, Russia, the Middle East, China and various other places you can identify yourself.
I was able to check out the author of this application, where he works, his name is available, and you can see is a big privacy advocate. I dont think he would take money to hurt the privacy protection of the software he publishes. In my humble opinion , This author can be relatively trusted. He is also located in New York City and works for a company that is easily identified and which I researched.
The browser itself could use multiple tab support, and certainly video support. Some of the fonts on some of his message screens are a bit clunky, but this is not a big deal. There is also significant delay when you get into tour for your connection is validated, but this may be due to the concurrent use of a VPN.
It works well in combination with the VPN from Betternet. This is another company is located in Canada which I have researched but have not yet completed.
Thx1138RogerA about Onion Browser